Life Insurance Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation is a consumer-driven process focused on evaluating the present and future cost and benefit of your life insurance policies.
Consultation at no cost!
Many existing life insurance policies were purchased based on overly optimistic financial projections during times of higher interest rates for whole and universal life products. You may be shocked to learn that what was supposed to be level or limited premiums will require ongoing and higher payments to keep the coverage in force.
Your permanent life insurance policy is a financial product purchased with specific expectations. Cash accumulation goals for retirement, survivor income for your family, or funding strategy for your estate plan.
Have you compared actual results versus original expectations? If not, you may be in for quite a shock. Your policy may be at risk and could lapse!
Declining interest rates the past 20 years have prompted increasing premiums or longer payment periods in many whole life and universal life insurance products. Performance Evaluation is a process necessitated by dramatic changes in the life insurance marketplace. While you may or may not have received notices of increased funding required to keep your life insurance in force, the life insurance industry has responded with some of the best priced, most efficient products ever available.
1) Performance Evaluation: Analyze your policy to make certain that current premiums fulfill your expectations.
2) Market Survey: Determine if you can reduce your premiums, enhance cash accumulation or extend the life of your coverage.
3) Solution: Recommend changes to your current policy that meet your goals and expectations.
Call for a free Performance Evaluation today. We are eager to help.